Something You Believe May Deceive You!

People always think,
 that I’m very mature, smart, independent and know-what-to-do girl,
They always think I can!!
They bet I can!
They bet I’m genius!
They bet I’m gorgeous!
They bet I’m so brilliant!

For me I’m not that high!
If they look deep within me,
 I’m similar with any other teenage!
they will find me as the emotional girl,
the one who sensitive, ambitious, selfish and miss the affection

I want to talk active, but then felt so weird,
I want to live in my comfort zone, but never found it around,
I want to be so cheer, but sadness is too real in every angle of me,
I want to be rejoice, but the shadow of hurt haunt me in every foot step,
I want to smile, but they told me nothing to smile..
I want to scream, but I have no space…
I want to cry but I told myself I don’t have to…

It’s like I live in a wrong place…
I were wrong person in wrong situation…
I’m the stranger!

Hide all your perspective about me!
You don’t know me!
You don’t know me!
You don’t know me at all!
You know nothing about me!
You know nothing…

 I’m strong enough!
I’m strong enough!
Yeah.. just fly..
Ignore me,
I’m fine here,
I don’t even need your spark wing
I crawl anywhere I laid,

You’d never know who I am…
I don’t need a hand to touch you,
I don’t need a soul to feel your presence,
I don’t need a lips to taste you a kiss..

Something you believed may deceive you!

 ( Princess Kaurvaki )

*You will always get different view when you look something not based on your view, but based on another view.
Something you believed may deceive you!

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