Alone Much Here....

Alone much here…
no voice left,
no friend stay,
no air,
no dust sweep away softly,
no dry leaves sing a parting song,
no symptom of people pass through..

This dark room getting empty and empty,
I watch the picture of my regretful,
I see my friend photograph, but remembering them leave deep injured in me,
I wish I can see them and touch their face,
feel their laugh, but can’t taste their smile..
I wish to turn back the time just to hanging around with them
Their plain face appear in my dream, but lost in seconds!
It’s feel alone much here
I wish I’m awake,
and realize this is only dream,
but actually were not dream!

alone poetry, empty poetry, empty seat, loneliness

Then suddenly sun replace by the moon,
I see the wind blow, but everything feels absurd,
I remember the last time open the window, but can’t clearly see what last thing I’ve done,
It’s just emptiness and lonely,
It’s alone much here,
I wish I hear the voices…
I wish were on another demand,
but it were not dream,
Just alone much…

*Princess Kaurvaki

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