I STILL LOVE - artist's talk - Thursday 2nd June

Franko B in conversation with art critic and historian, Edward Lucie Smith.
6.30pm, Thursday 2nd June. The Nunnery Gallery, 181 Bow Road, London E3 2SJ

Discussion will revolve around the theories and concerns which inform Franko B's work and his current exhibition at The Nunnery, 'I Still Love'. This will be followed by a screening of a documentary accompanying his recent solo exhibition in Milan.

I STILL LOVE is Franko B’s first solo exhibition in London for seven years and features a new series of embroidered canvases, never before shown in the UK. The canvases, which depict animals, flowers, portraits and the male body, as well as images of torture and war, return to the central themes of Franko B’s work – death, eroticism, intimacy, pain and compassion. These recurrent motifs find a delicate new means of expression through the exclusive use of red and white cotton on unprimed canvas.

Franko B was born in Milan in 1960 and has lived in London since 1979. He graduated from Chelsea College and has been producing work across a diverse range of media since the early 1990s. Since 2009, he has been Professor of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata, Italy. Franko B is the current Artist in Residence with Bow Arts Trust.

Edward Lucie-Smith is an internationally known art critic and historian, who is also a poet, anthologist and a practising photographer. He has published more than a hundred books in all, more than sixty of them about art. Lucie-Smith’s photographs have been exhibited internationally and in Britain he was for many years a well-known broadcaster and journalist. He currently writes regularly for Art Review.

Doors will open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Following the talk and screening, the exhibition will remain open until 9pm.

To reserve a place, please RSVP to nunnery@bowarts.com.

Gallery open Friday – Sunday, 1-5pm | Exhibition continues 6th May – 5th June 2011
Entry is free

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