FRATERNISE - THE SALON - exhibition and events

Fraternise - The Salon - Fundraising group exhibition at Beaconsfield, London. Until 29 May 2011, Tuesday – Sunday, 11am-5pm. Across all Galleries.

Fraternise – the Salon offers a collectible range of contemporary art works. Contributing artists include those at the top of the commercial game and others who are, as yet, unknown in the auction room.

With prices ranging from £5 – £20,000 this exhibition offers a special opportunity to exercise your judgment and perhaps risk your aesthetic arm, by starting or expanding a collection.

Monday 16 May 2011 at 7pm - Fraternise – for Collectors
Nina Miall, Director Haunch of Venison

Wednesday 18 May at 11am - Fraternise – the Coffee View

Saturday 21 May at 2pm - Fraternise – the Curators Talk

Friday 27 May from 6.30pm till late - LAST Fridays: Fraternise – the finissage
Last-chance, evening viewing of Fraternise – the Salon with late bar and Fraternising artist-DJs.

Full details of all events here.

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