"LEADERS LIVE BY CHOICE, NOT BY ACCIDENT." (Mark Gorman) - An afternoon with Sabine Lisicki

“Even when I met her personally for the first time I noticed her target-oriented commitment. (...) her overwhelming joy she used to show. (...)
She exudes confidence, shows a thrilling match and spectacular rallies.”
(Steffi Graf on Sabine Lisicki)

German professional tennis player.
Started at the age of seven.
Ranked 14th worldwide in 2012.
Serve 210 km/h (while Maria Shaparova, ranked first place, serves 190 km/h).
She is ambitious.
She lets nothing come in her way.
She is beautiful.
We asked.
She answered.
As her shot.

The whole interview after the jump.

You’re extremely determined and have an exact plan, however the body often gets in the way and botches this plan. That’s part of the job. What’s important is to get up more often than you fall down. Do you have a mantra?
Never separate yourself from your dreams and illusions. If they were to disappear you would continue to exist, but you would have ceased living.

One time you said that you like to have a large audience around you. What did you think if you stepped onto the court at Wimbledon, for example?
I DID enjoy it to the fullest! being able to play on the biggest tennis court in the world with the public behind me…

Do you also think about yourself during the game or are you absolutely focused?
I’m in my zone, as I call it. That’s how it feels because I can’t bring myself out of it anymore.

You’ve been photographed a thousand times. Do you think about how you look at the moment or do you think as an athlete?
That’s quite practical. Of course one always wants to look good! Nike helps me there immensely. Then one has the necessary concentration for what is essential: the yellow ball.
What you do clearly places you in the limelight. This quickly changes a person’s self-perception.

Would you describe yourself as egotistical?
Never in my life.

On one hand you totally over-exert yourself and place yourself under continuous physical pressure. On the other hand, you give your fans an amazing amount in return. How do you feel about that?
It’s a fantastic feeling to know that these people are here to watch you, that you really give them something, which is the exact reason that they are right where they are and support YOU. Because of this I also give my fans the
possibility to stay in contact and to get an impression of me off the court. I update my Twitter and Facebook accounts regularly.

What is your biggest goal?
I want to be number one in the world and to win a Grand Slam title. I don’t accept any compromises. Do you have any sort of time plan? Are you too old to play at some point?
No, there never was (a timetable). I play tennis because I am passionate about it. No one told me that I should do it.

Do you also have a private life on the side?
Of course! I have a lot of friends that have nothing to do with sports.

Could you imagine ever doing something else?
Not at all, it just doesn’t exist.

photos: marcus gaab
Fashion: ann-kathrin obermeyer
Hair & Make-Up: manuela kopp

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