Dear My Daughter...

Dear my  daughter,

I know you  are only 5 months fetus now, but I believe you’ll be the sunlight of my life,
You’ll be my beautiful rainbow after the rain and the dark cloud,
You’ll be the blossom flower after summer,
and everyone fond of to pick you up, but I won’t let them!  
I can hear you inside…
I promise won’t let you alone
I promise to always by your side, through the morning and night,
You’ll be my cute healthy baby,
I’ll spend my 24 hours quality time only for you, make sure you get more than enough,
You‘ll be my enchanted princess of my life,
Everyone want to have you, but I won’t let them…

I will let you grow…
I’m behind you when you need help and friend to talk to,
 I’m more than a mother, I’ll be your best friend,
I’m more than your mother, I’ll be your eyes in this dark world,
I will let you dream, think, choose and fight for your desire, but here I’m watching for you.
I will guide you and show you the right road,
You’ll be my array and I will let you fly by giving you a half of my wings.

 I’m more than mother, I’ll be your everything.
poetry, childbirth quotes, quotes for daughter/ son
 May be someday I become so annoying,
but you have to remember, I love you more than you do.

Dear my  daughter..
I can’t wait the moment I hold you and see your beautiful smile..
I hope 3 months ain’t gonna be a  long time…
I’ll be your mother, just can’t wait… to see you soon.

*Princess Kaurvaki, June 15th 2012
Dedicated for my fifth month pregnancy & my daughter, Redva Previta Kaurvaki

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