Romantic Love Messages

When I 1st saw u, you took my breath away.
When u 1st talked to me, I couldn't think.
When u asked me out, I couldn't respond.
When u touched me, I got shivers all through my body.
And when we 1st kised, I floated away in my dreamz.
Love not 1, Love not two Luv the one who luvs u true,
Love not 1, Love not two Luv the one who luvs u true,
Love not 3, Love not four Luv the one who luvs u more,
Love not 5, Love not six Luv the one who really stickz,
Love not 7, Love not eight Luv the one who really waitz
Last nite I looked up at the starz
And matched each one with a reason y I love u
I was doing great, but then I ran out of starz
No one escapez from luv,
Neither the rich nor poor,
Bcoz it takez 2 satisfy a heart,
We feel we'll never be apart.
I have a hart and that iz true,
But now it has gone from me to u,
So care 4 it just like I do,
Cause I have no heart and u have two.
I,Me, Myself, Yes me,I
Simple Bye makez uz cry,
Simple Bye makez uz cry,
Simple joke makez uz Laugh,
Simple care makesz uz fall in Luv,
Simple Touch makez uz feel better,
But i hope my simple msg makez u smile....
Confusion . . .

Grammar Sayz,
” I Luv U ” Iz A Statement,
Not A Question. . .


Why Doez It Alwayz,
Require Answer?
How long will u be special 2 me?

Az long az the starz twinkle in the sky,
Az long az angelz r there up high,
Til the ocean run dry and till the day i die.


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