Break Up Quotes

Nothing hurtz more than realizing he meant everything 2 u, but u meant nothing 2 him.
Erasing yourself from somebody’s life iz not az simple az walking out the door.
When you break up, ur whole identity is shattered. It'z like death.
I understand y marriagez break up over golf. I can't even talk about my own handicap bcoz it'z too upsetting.
I never Stopped luving. i just stoped showing it..:(
If ur luv doez not work with that person, it just meanz that someone else luvs u more.
Harts wil nvr b practical until they r made unbreakable.
Love iz giving someone the power too destroy you, but trusting them not too.
1 of the ugliest sightz in the world is 2 see the one u luv hapy with some1 else.

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