You are What You Did!!

“You are not what you said, you are what you did”
( Unknown )

For the whole of my lifetime, I’ve met so many people who expert in wordplay but zero in action. I’m not smart or chosen people who could judge anyone, but this is not baseless! You are an actor of your life and you had many roles to do. You act & pretend, but not always perfect. You advice other, but in fact your glass is about half of full!

And Ali would never change! This month he successfully dumped one of his friends for unclear case. This big mouth person tries to burn his mistakes by blaming his assistant. This case was simply a shame thing. It’ve been one of Ali’s culture and attitude to always ask other to do his responsibility instead of do it by his self. When everything seems to be a mess, then he will put his self into number one person who becomes the victim of someone who didn’t cover his responsibility well. He’s Mr. Right and others are Mr. Wrong.

The most pity person is his assistant, Mr. Affan. Mr. Affan is 37 years old or about 7 years older than Ali. Ali never treat Mr. Affan like someone who is older than him, he just treat Mr. Affan as the assistant, must give excellent service for his leader –I wouldn’t say he is boss, because he’s not boss yet, just very common employee who had one assistant in office. Nothing is special about Ali. And actually the leader is just name of the position, there’s no such a big gap between the leader and the assistant.

Ali, arrogant, leader, boss, annoying

One day Ali asks Mr. Affan to send the document and report it. The document is very important and worth thousands dollars. The trouble occurred when Mr. Affan realized some document was lost. As he remember those document was not in him since the beginning, so he thought its may on Ali. He ask to Ali and guess…. Ali was very angry since the document is very important. He will get trouble if the document lost because the company will lose hundreds of dollars. He doesn’t realize that he contributes for this trouble: 1. He should be the person who is responsible for the document delivery 2. He didn’t make a checklist for document hand over so the document might on Mr. Affan and might on him too, there’s nobody else. Finally the documents were not found and Ali blame Mr. Affan at all. Mr. Affan got punishment and he got fired without have the chance to explain the case from his side.

Ali didn’t feel guilty, never. He didn’t sorry. For him, he never made a mistake, he had done the job well. And of course he will tell everyone that’s Mr. Affan’s mistake and Mr. Affan deserve for the punishment. And also telling he will ready to look for new assistant who is better than Mr. Affan.

Well, several months after this incident, I met Mr. Affan. He said clearly remember the document was not with him. I said I believe him, this must be Ali’s careless, but what can do?? Mr. Affan is now unemployment. It is not easy for him to look for new job since he is already 37+ years old and do not have degree. I said to him to be patient and keep believing that future must be better.

*Dedicate for Mr. Affan ( not the real name )

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