After Years....

After years…
After your caring me,
I thought you really care about me,
I thought I was so much meant to be for you
but after she came,
then dust swept away the wind blow

You always put me on your first option,
I’m so glad doing something for you,
Even this just a little action, but you smile..
Make me feel deep down and sincere about you
but after years, after she comes…
at the sudden everything change

The moment we through together,
the way we listen each other,
the way we discuss and debate till the dawn end,
seems like erase by the time
You never know how much I love you,
You never know how much I care about you
You never know how much worthy for me the time we spent together
You never know it..!!

After years,
You left me in the edge of the darkness,
She comes to your life,
such as misery for me, she took all of mine from you
I regret of her presence
like a stormy wave, I want to stop her
I want to send her to kryptonite so you had reason to come back to me
do I really have to do that?

poetry, after years, broken heart poetry, sad poetry
After years…
will you remember me even in seconds?
will you take back our sweet moment in a flash?
will you left her for a while and smile at me?
will you stare at my eyes and taste my deep down feeling?
will you sit down and listen my story again?
I said I don’t mind become your second best beside her
as long as you spent your little time to me
I don’t mind become the substitute of her
In fact I can’t live without you..!!

After years,
will you consider me as one of your life partner?
will you take me to spend the night, just one night with you
After years..., 
will you leave her for me?
will you allow your shoulder for me to cry again?
will you give your arms for me to hug?
will you?

*Princess Kaurvaki

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