Your Behavior Effects Other

Six months ago, Neena still work at our office. For some people, may be she’s not important, but for me she’s humble, mature and nice woman. She’s 25 years old, and married on 23 years old. No one realized how much the job important for her exactly. She’s workaholic, but sometimes, in big company people can’t appreciate others. They can judge anyone with silly reason, such as “just don’t like her” or “she’s just the cleaning service officer” or “she’s nothing, I don’t even know she were exist”. They had something else to do, but complaining other’s responsibility is one of their favorite thing to do.

Diana is one of the senior in office. She’s temperamental girl, sensitive and known as the selfish one. Sometimes people know her as mature person, but when she gets angry, she’ll be the one who burn a house. One thing I regret is when we put her anger to Neena. There was nothing wrong with Neena, she did her job very well. But Diana gone mad when saw her sit relax for a while or talk to the employee. It was her right, wasn’t it?? Who said the cleaning service didn’t allowed to sit down or communicated with others? Who said it was Diana’s job to intervened others? Does she had authorization? Hell, NO!!

One day, Neena was sick. She can’t go to work as well. She got ill for about three days. Diana was feel disturbed with Neena absence and said to the boss that Neena is lied and didn’t admit the regulation, said that Neena is only pretend about her health condition.

Diana’s persuasion was so succeed. Neena was drop out of the office. I’m the first person who feel hurt for her. Nobody knows how weight of her burdened. Now she was jobless. Her husband was unemployed too and also temperamental. Her parent was divorced since her father marrying other woman. Her husband always told her that she comes from misbehave family and her father is kind of prostitute man. Before she retired, the situation of her family was already broken, but after retired everything getting worse and worst. Her life become much more worse because there was no salary for her daily life. Her husband was really stupid man, he only blame Neena every day. He had no shame, he never realize that feed family should be his responsibility.

be careful, stars, million stars

Four month after retired from job, Neena getting more frustrated, frustrated with her husband, family and give up of searching new job. Actually she had working once again after retired from our company, but her family problem made her hard to concentrate to her job and feel so desperate. Her salary was very low, but her unemployed husband didn’t understand and just give her additional pressure. She can’t stand anymore. She plan to divorce from her husband and run out of town to leave her problem and feel new atmosphere. She hope it can change situation.

“Divorce never been good choice, God even hate it. But for this I support you, Neena, you’re still so young, you didn’t even have any kids. You had many chance and opportunity. You had dream, You deserve for someone better. Follow your heart and decide by yourself, I’m behind you”, I said to her. She cried. She ask me what was she ever did until her life becomes so miserable. I said to her that she must be strong, she can pass this and everything will be fine. She wish to leave the town but I advice her to stay since I know exactly she was not ready yet for an experience in other place. She’s very innocent woman.

Every time I remember her, I remember Diana. May be she never know what happen with Neena after retired and definitely I  can’t blame her for what happen with Neena now, but I can’t deny, Diana’s behavior gave impact for Neena’s life. At least Neena will be stronger than she were now if she’s still on our office, at least I’m still on her side anytime she needs shoulder to cry on. Now I’m getting hard to contact her, she sold her cell phone to pay her loan. She also have to feed her family since her father leave them.

 I’m sad, but I won’t blame anyone for her situation. I don’t want to be another version of Diana. This gave me some education about how to threat other. Sometimes our behavior gave impact for another’s life. I know this just simple, but you never know how much this hurt anyone.

*Princess Kaurvaki
*For my friend, Neena, I know God protect you.

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