Liham ng isang pusong napopoot.

"Hindi ka para sa akin, ayoko na!"

Every minute I stare at you my heart breaks.
From start to finish thoughts of you bring torment,
wrecking my spirit,
turning my hope into specks.
You are far from comprehension,
far from reach.

As my feet remain planted on the ground
there you are up in the heavens
hovering over my head
mocking my wits
shaming my pride
I despise you

Have I not exerted effort?
were my attempts too feeble?
I gave you the best gold
you gave me filthy rags
I gave you time
you spare not one minute
I spit on you

I thought what we had was special
I thought you and I could get along splendidly
I was wrong
I was very wrong
Depart from me
Be gone elsewhere
I hate you

Hindi ka para sa akin, ayoko na!

Stupid polynomials! noong bata ako numbers lang ang minumultiply bakit ngayon pati letters?! While taking our quiz after the short discussion, I kinda peeked into my seatmate's paper and I'm like "hala, bakit ang haba ng sagot niya". As expected, mine was wrong. Damn it! just when I thought I completely understood everything. I hate you math.

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