Happy 8th Birthday My Little Phoebe!

The party Saturday was a raging success! We had eleven little guests, we started with an impromptu Wii Fit Plus Obstacle Course Challenge, we played Pin the Bow on the Skull (it was a "Monster High" party), we were going to bob for apples (but it was too chilly, the kids snacked up a third of the apples, Christopher bit into each of another third, and we didn't have a suitable bobbing tub), we had a spaghetti dinner, the kids played outside for a few minutes, we opened gifts, we sang happy birthday and had a grocery store sheet cake upon which I had iced a Monster High skull, and then the grande finale - the kids THOROUGHLY enjoyed strawberries and Dianne's chocolate fountain!

Then six of the eleven spent the night, we had a second round of spaghetti dinner, played with all the birthday presents, played Wii Just Dance 2, probably did hundreds of cartwheels, rough-housed a bit (wait til you see the blurred action shots!), negotiated the sleeping arrangements, setup the sleeping area, and put on the Disney Channel. The younger girls were asleep by 0045, and the older ones probably feel asleep after I set the TV timer to go off at 0130. The younger girls were awake by 0730, played by themselves until they woke me at 0830, the remaining girls woke at 0930, we had a chocolate chip pancake and sausage breakfast, and played more Wii Just Dance until parents picked everybody up at noon. Except Rachel whom we took with us to Aunt Banana's for another cake and another Orbeez present (Yay!), we had to make the girls stop watching TV to play with AJ, had a yummy cheeseburger and tater-tot dinner, and headed home at 1900.  Phoebe showered, Christopher bathed, then we slept. It was an awesome all-Phoebe weekend. :)

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