Teacher Elay

Children have an innate passion for stories; they are always eager to explore new worlds and reach the limit of their imagination. You can see their eyes outgrow their face as the story unfolds a new realm page by page, picture by picture, delighted by the adventures simple words bring.

I am a Sunday school teacher and story telling is what I always do. Can you imagine yourself standing in front of children for hours holding a book that you already perused hundreds of times, entertaining limitless and out of this world questions, translating complicated terms and enduring the outrageous noise?

But do you know what makes me pursue this ministry and somehow keep on accepting responsibilities? It's because if in my eyes I see twerpy, smelly little pests, in their eyes they see a dad, a teacher, a big brother, and a hero. All my heartaches and problems would fade for a moment once I see smiles painted on their faces.

To chase them around the church and get them to their seats, to distribute their snacks and play hilarious games, to sit with them and hear all their funny thoughts about life, education and their families are the precious moments I surely savor.

I love kids and I love being their "teacher Elay" I hope sooner or later I will be able to teach again.

God Bless.

I remember one time I asked the kids to draw something that would express themselves and I was so surprised and at the same time bothered to see the picture one of my 5 year old kids drew. It was a BURNING HOUSE! That's something eh?

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