Wandering Hearts and painted smiles.

Sitting on the rooftop, dreaming of a perfect Christmas, gazing on the stars, you reluctantly break the door of sealed memories. The cool breeze whispers at your ear, below are the children singing oh can you hear? As the hour passes, memoirs begin to become more vivid as it surfaces your conscious mind. Your eyes feast on shimmering lights that are clothed with diverse colors and shine... one hour of reflection and boom, the past has been dug up from the grave. It's alive and breathing.

The season's ambiance is truly grandiose but what good would it be to a man who finds his heart lost in the cold streets?

Amidst the glacial nights, lovers share their warmth with their ever so precious hugs and kisses. Oh you can almost sense that sweet tenderness in their midst. You'd witness friends uttering words of endearment, not forgetting nor hesitating to convey their love towards their comrades. No one seems to care, no one seems to listen, as long as you're smiling as long as you're laughing the friends you know are found nowhere.

They'd expect you to open up but wouldn't it be nicer if they would just inquire behind those smiles?
wouldn't it be astounding if one would express his or her love for you or have someone who's able to notice that behind those painted smiles is the HELL you carry.

A simple yet thoughtful combination of the finest words from that person who's dear to you can surely pick you up from that cold floor of loneliness.

You wait for initiatives... still nothing.
It's either your heart has wandered far off, you're just so good at smiling or they simply don't care.

Some people are just so good at pretending they can deceive you about their true condition.

Some just feel more loved when people ask behind their smiles questions fit for sad people.

It's Christmas... show REAL love.

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