A Peaceful Journey....

In this new journey I am undergoing it is requiring me to look at myself and life in a different spectrum. I have always been a person who allowed things to easily upset, frustrate or annoy me. I would find myself losing my composure enticing my emotions to jump off the deep end. However, in the last two weeks I have been taking lessons in being a calmer person. My daughter has given me great lessons in learning to embrace life on a whole new level. My daughter is only ten years old but I realize how much her presence in my life has been a gift to me. As I observe her I have found out that my daughter has a gift of tranquility. She is such a sweet, pleasant, quiet, and humorous person to be around. Her spirit has truly enlighten my life in great ways in the last two weeks. It's funny how God uses the small things in life to get our attention in order to produce the person he want us to be. Peace is important to have because it teaches you how to be still when chaos, turmoil, anger and other emotions are present. The negative emotions we convey are like a hurricane ready to tear up our lives to destroy our peace. It is imperative to learn to not run away every time life seems to be stressful but to learn to stand and command your peace to be still. When you are always trying to escape your life then you find yourself running from things because you do not have any peace from within. Vacations are great but in life it requires us to learn how to escape chaotic situations by taking small vacations of peace. This peace journey has challenged me to see how important it is to calm down and regroup my emotions before I allow them to get the best of me. Peace is the essential key to unlock the great blessings of our lives. When you have peace from within you will learn how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Peace will overtake you and you will find it to be valuable throughout your life. Many people search for peace but never find it because they fail to realize where it lies. Peace lies within us all we just have to learn to connect to the source of it.

Below are simple steps you can take to receive, walk and live in your peace:

1. Get to the root: Realize that everything that needs to be dealt with has a root. Get to the root of your problem. Once the root is found then uprooting process begins....

2. Takers: Understand the cause of what have you allowed to take your peace. Peace is a free gift given by God since the beginning of time. Figure out the "taker agents" (who or what have you allowed to steal your peace)

3. Inspect That Gadget: Inspect the environment you are in and observe whether you have been the cause of your own chaotic state. Sometimes we can create our own chaos and drama so we begin to attract these same things in our environment.

4. The Source: If you do not know who is the source of your peace then no matter what journey you take you will continue to detour down an endless road. In Christianity Jesus Christ is our source of peace because he is peace. So be willing to find the source of your peace

Having peace can sustain you and keep you mentally, emotionally and physically stable in life!

Pregnancy for Woman ( Pregnancy Quotes )

Pregnancy demonstrates the deterministic character of woman's sexuality.
 Every pregnant woman has body and self taken over by a chthonian force beyond her control.

pregnancy quotes, pregnant woman, pregnancy

In the welcome pregnancy, this is a happy sacrifice.
 But in the unwanted one, initiated by rape or misadventure, it is a horror.
Such unfortunate women look directly into nature's heart of Darkness.
For a fetus is a benign tumor, a vampire who steals in order to live.
 The so-called miracle of birth is nature getting her own way.
( Daniel Goldman )

Giving Birth is a Transformation ( Pregnancy Quotes )

Giving birth is a transformation,
 and it doesn't matter whether you've had eight babies before.

 It's still a transformation the next time you have another baby,
because you are no longer the same woman you were before you had that baby
( Penny Handford, quoted in Mothering the New Mother by Sally Placksin )

Cute Love Text Messages

I mis u like the night misses the starz.
I mis u when i laugh, when i cry,
even when it'z cold out,
I don't know what else my luv..
But i mis u...
I don't need some1 who seez the,
in me. I need some1 who seez the bad,
and still wantz me.....
We mis some1 only 4,
2 Reasons,
The person is in ur heart,
Either u wanted 2 be in,
That person'z heat....
I may run out of msg 2 text u,
I may run out of msg 2 text u,
I may run out of jokez too,
I may also run out of battery or even a Tk too,
But my heart won't run out of space 4 u....

Scratch & win
Congratulations U have won My Hert
ur hart iz my home
Warm, cozy n nice
It's the only place
I luv 2 be in..
Morning, nooon and nite
I love you

The Power Of Creativity

A person that has the power to create but stifles the ability by being passive injures the sanctity of creativity. ~Stylicia~ 

Everyone has an innate ability and power to create or produce something greater than their current situation. However, creativity is connected to our soul where thoughts, ideas, concepts and innovation springs alive in our heart. Creativity is best describe to be something or someone who has a sense of genius. They evoke their creativity by producing a visual perception of life. We often connect creativity to being an artist, poet, singer, dancer or designer but creativity is far beyond those activities. God has given everyone the ability to create because if you can visualize it then you can create it. A person that is deemed a creator has a vision and uses his/her words to produce the atmosphere that they desire. If you feel stuck or stagnant in your life then you have not be assertive about tapping into your creativity. You may have allowed distractions to fog your vision and  take you off course. However, in order to tap into your creative power you have to begin to understand the power of creativity. God created the heavens and earth by speaking into existence his visualization of the world (Genesis 1). Visualizing is an important part of creating because it help you produce the atmosphere you see. If you can imagine the life you dream of and clearly see it then the power of creativity can flourish from your vision. Also speaking the words of life will stimulate the growth of your creativity because it will produce the visualization. Words have a powerful connection in creativity because words are the foundation of creating. If you visualize but never speak of the visual stimuli then it lies dormant in your spirit. Some people have no idea of the power of creativity because they often visualize or dream but never speak the words to create the life they desire. In order to start producing the life you often visualize you first have to understand the steps in tapping into your creativity and then activate your power to produce the life you desire. So, below are quick steps to follow to inspire you to tap into the power of creativity to manufacture the life you desire and often dream of:

1. Blockage: The first step is understand what is blocking your visualization or perception of what you see...(i.e fear, torment, low self esteem, people, distractions, passiveness etc.)

2. Identify the distractions: Understand what is it that take you off course and once you pinpoint the "distracting agent" then find ways to discipline your focus by seeing the "BIG PICTURE"!

3.  Power of Words: In order to create you must attach words to your visual perception so make a list of words that identify with what you see or what you dream of...Make sure the words are a conducive to the atmosphere you wish to create. For example, I visualize myself living in Paris so the words I will attach to my visual perception is: love, muse, traveling, excitement, exploration, Eiffel Tower, French  etc. 

4. Activate: Once you practice the three steps mentioned above then it is time to activate your creative power by being assertive about creating your atmosphere. 
  • Research- You can start by researching on the Internet, buying books or going to the library to get information. 
  • Collect data-Demographics, Statistics etc.  
  • Connect- Start connecting with people who are living the life you desire or have experienced the life you often dream about. Surround yourself with like minded people. 
After you have successfully completed the following steps to guide you then you will be eager to activate the power of your creativity....


performance at SHORT THEATRE, Rome, Italy.
7th September 2012
+39 333.7993611
I'm thinking of you

CHE SEI TU? / WHO ARE YOU? - workshop in Rome

SHORT THEATRE 7 presents 
Who are you? 
workshop by Franko B 
Teatro India, Rome. 3rd - 7th September 2012

Franko B for the first time in Rome. The leading exponent of the scene of the World Body Art will attend the seventh edition of SHORT THEATRE with the performance I'm Thinking of You and with an intense and unmissable workshops that will address the exploration and exposure of themselves as men and women , and as artists, through a work on physical performance, sound and visual art. An excellent opportunity to meet with an artist that has marked the imagination of contemporary art, which for years has been engaged in training courses of performing and visual arts in many schools and universities. A wonderful opportunity to test their boundaries, physical and imaginative.

Participants must bring 200 words on "who think they are". The last day of the workshop will be open to the public SHORT THEATRE with a performance at the Teatro India. The cost of the workshop is  €200 for up to 20 participants. The workshop is open to all artists and not. Participants will be selected based on the date of registration. To enroll, send us an e-mail with your mobile number to info@shorttheatre.org. For more information: +39 333.7993611
SHORT THEATRE 7 presenta
Chi sei tu? 
workshop a cura di Franko B 
Roma, Teatro India dal 3 al 7 settembre 2012

Franko B per la prima volta a Roma. L'esponente di spicco della scena della Body Art mondiale sarà presente alla settima edizione di SHORT THEATRE con la performance I’m Thinking of You e con un intenso e imperdibile workshop che affronterà l'esplorazione e l'esposizione di sé come uomini e donne, e come artisti, attraverso un lavoro sulla performance fisica, sul suono e sull'arte visiva. Un'occasione eccezionale di incontro con un artista che ha segnato l'immaginario dell'arte contemporanea, e che da anni è impegnato in percorsi di formazione di performing e visual art in molte scuole e università internazionali. Un'occasione imperdibile per verificare i propri confini, fisici e immaginifici.

I partecipanti dovranno portare 200 parole scritte su “chi pensano di essere”. L’ultimo giorno il workshop si aprirà al pubblico di SHORT THEATRE con una performance al Teatro India.
Il costo del workshop è di 200 euro per un massimo di 20 partecipanti. Il workshop è aperto a tutti, artisti e non. I partecipanti saranno selezionati in base alla data di iscrizione. Per iscriversi è necessario scrivere un’e-mail specificando il proprio numero di cellulare a info@shorttheatre.org. Per maggiori informazioni: 333.7993611

Teachers Day Quotes in English to Send Greetings

Many countries celebrate ‘The Teachers Day’ as a special day for the appreciation of teachers. Whole world celebrate this occasion annually, but the date of Happy Teachers’ Day is very different by country wise. This is a day for arrange celebrations to honor the teachers for their special contribution in build our life. Celebration ideas are many but one of this is send to each other quotes,

Let Me Be The Superhero or Somebody Else

In this darkest hour,
I hear the shout and cried,
I hear the pain,
it’s like a blood war, tears are everywhere…
but I just could hear…
I couldn’t give my hands for help,
I was trap into the fire,
have my body too weak,
but seeing my friend and relatives lives in their last seconds,
I felt so worthless….
so useless…..
why I were not within them??

I wish I were the superhero,
when you shout then I’ll be there…
I wish I were the superhero,
when you shout then I came and heal your pain…
I wish I were the superhero,
so I could be your savior and never saw you in trouble…
but I’m not…
I felt so worthless to trap in this dark edge,
just wanna jump everytime I came to the end!
just wanna escape anytime I feel weak!
just wanna lost anytime my courage disappear!

poetry about hero, sad poetry, weak poetry, superhero

I wish I were the superhero,
but I’m not…
I’m not coming from kryptonite and contain the neutron,
I didn’t even get bite by the spider,
I didn’t even look good in the mirror!!
I didn’t even deserve for a bit of mercy and luck!
I didn’t even….

I wish I were the superhero,
but I’m not!!
I was the first candle lost her light,
I do hope lighten the sky, but I was burnt less than second,
then should I wish to be somebody else??
just to make me feel better and leave this burdened
just to ensure I had so much better option?
and finally you have no chance to judge me and think me worst??
I do not have wings or roots,
so I could not fly nor stand on the earth,
I wish I were the superhero, but I’m not!
I wish to be somebody else..
so I could start to pretend
that I never get hurt for this inconvenience,
that I never been so serious thinking of you,
that I never been so sad and never been scream that bad!

*Princess Kaurvaki

Pregnant Women

Pregnant Women! 
They had that weird frisson,
an aura of magic that combined awkwardly with an earthy sense of duty. 
Mundane, because they were nothing unique on the suburban streets;
ethereal because their attention was ever somewhere else. 
Whatever you said was trivial. 
And they had that preciousness which they imposed wherever they went,
compelling attention, constantly reminding you that they carried the future inside,
 its contours already drawn, but veiled, private, an inner secret.

 ( Ruth Morgan )

Traits Of A Confident Woman (Quotes)

(Original Quotes From Stylicia Bowden)

A woman with confidence breeds a different character she is just simply a "Thermostat Woman"!

A woman with confidence ride the waves and set the pace.

A woman with confidence has SWAG oozing from her stature but she never downplays her greatness & graciously uplift others.

A woman with confidence never put her head down, never shrinks to water down her potential.

When a woman with confidence speak people tend to sit up straight and listen. Her presence commands attention.

A woman of confidence is never scared to be sexy, smart, strong or spiritual but she knows how to be a well balanced woman.

A confident woman never has to been in competition with the next woman cause she is always her authentic self.

A confident woman learns to speak less and listen more...

A confident woman never disrespect other women by speaking negative she simply walks away with a smile & keeps her composure.

A confident woman knows how to be the boss in the office but let that man be the head of her home.

A confident woman never surrender her power to negativity but she diffuses the atmosphere with positivity.

A confident woman dismiss jealousy from her path, sweeps haterism from her space & erase toxic people & puts drama in its place.

A confident woman carries her faith as her lifestyle she never judge but let her light shine.

A confident woman embrace her sensuality, not scared to be sexy but her sexiness is not define by society she creates it.

Love is a Magic Ray

Love is a magic ray,
 emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth.
It enables us to perceive life as a beautiful dream,
 between one awakening and another

( Kahlil Gibran )

Am I My Own Weakest Link?

I've been thinking a lot lately about life, the big decisions, the big picture, and it occurs to me that I appear to be basing my overall wellbeing on my poor choices. We're all familiar with the saying "you're only as strong as your weakest link" well I'm feeling only as productive as my least-productive days, only as smart as my poorest decisions. While I can see the logic in the weakest-link analogy, I need a more positive perspective. I need to be strong despite my weakest link, strong enough to fix my weak links. (Seems I can't blog properly from behind this Navy firewall, I'll edit later to add the image I wanted to put here.)

Sweet Love Messages

There iz nite so we can appreciate day,
sorrow so we can appreciate joy,
evil so we can appreciate gud,
U so I can appreciate luv.

Don't lose the one u luv 4 the one u like because the one u like might lose u 4 who they love.
I asked God 4 a minute n he gave me a day,
I asked God 4 a flower n he gave me a bouquet,
I asked God 4 love and he gave me that too,
I asked God 4 an angel and he gave me u....
A candle may melt,
and it’z fire may die,
but the luv u have given me,
will alwayz stay az a flame,
in my heart......
Flowers say if u like me, not pluck me.
Birds say if u like me not catch me,
I say if u like me, don't forget me,
Always remember me,
My Luv.
The mind iz the most,
exceptional limb it workz,
24 hourz a day 365 dayz,
a year form birth until u fall in luv.


Thoughts VI

It's been a long while and it seems like you've gone a long way.

There you were, on that same spot where I first laid eyes on you. You were busy talking to your friends, exchanging hugs and kisses. You turned out to be more beautiful since the last time I saw you. At first I wanted to turn back and walk away but something in me wanted to know how you're doing.

"Uhm, Hi... how are you? It's been a year" As I stare blankly towards your expressionless face, images from our past began to reel on my mind.

The memories I kept in a casket buried deep in the depths of my oblivious head, somehow crawled its way up to where we stood.

Do you remember how I used to bring you roses on our special days? 

How about the letters I stayed up all night just to write?

Do you remember the feeling when all we had to do was walk aimlessly and let time fly?

Do you remember... sitting beneath the cloudless sky, the moon's pulsating beam illuminating our very shadows as we indulge ourselves in exchanging fantasies of what our life together would be like. My soft lips gently pressed against yours; my fingers smoothing the strands of your chestnut hair, Do you remember any of it?

It's sad though, how I lacked the courage to say to you every memoir that was summoned in my head. I knew you've gone far. I knew the pain you've had to overcome; the pain that kept you up all night weeping and searching for answers. The pain.... I inflicted.

If only I have the power to go back in time and correct my wrongs just so I could keep you wrapped in my arms, I would've done it. If only I was wise enough to know the fruits of my shortcomings, I would have been more cautious. If only I kept myself in love in times when I was about to fall out it...

Your eyes looked away as I tried to share a tale.

"Elijah, I hope you understand"
"... uhm, of course! I'm sorry"
"You know, one thing I don't get is that I'm not mad at you for breaking my heart. I don't know why but I guess we really don't need to understand everything right?"
"...uhm, take care of yourself"
"yes, you too."

In my head was a whisper "My darling, I shouldn't have let you walk out my door"

Our entire love story's written here on my blog, search for thoughts 1-5 it's there. If you've been following me since 2010, you'll know this one.

The Challenges of Motherhood

As I sit here in a quiet space while my daughter is tucked away in bed sleeping happily, thoughts float through my head on how motherhood has been the most challenging job I have ever had to this day. I have been really seeking God on being a better mother learning to put aside my selfish needs and desires to cultivate a nurturing home life and relationship with my daughter. I am blessed to be a mother, so many times I believe I took that for granted not realizing my time with my daughter is the most rewarding time of my life. It's funny how God will use small things to show me I am right where I need to be in my life.  When I had my oldest daughter at the age of 22 my world changed and a close friend of mine during that time taught me how to go from club girl to a mother. My daughter changed my life and sometimes I believe in spite of the choices I made God used her to save my life. I had another life to look after and it was my responsibility to nurture and raise this blessing from God.

     Then at the age of 25 God blessed me with another baby girl named Serenity. I felt guilty to bring my daughters in a world without being married. Although, I chose to be a single parent when I brought them into this world unwed, but I still was determined to not let this handicap my ability to be a good mother to them. It is not easy being a single parent, at times I wanted to cry because it can be hard to be the only person trying to maintain the household and not have that second person to help in the household. I made up my mind that motherhood is not a part time job, seasonal or contracted job put a full time commitment. When my baby daughter died a part of me died and it was so hard to even want to push past my emptiness because I love my girls more than anything. However, I had to push past the devastation and be determined to make a healthy life for my oldest daughter. It was not fair to her for me to stop living because I still had to raise her.
     During the healing process of losing one child I was challenged to start a new life when I separated from the U.S. Navy in 2008. I realized it was the best thing to do because my oldest daughter needed me. As I look back now I realize I dedicated nine years to the military and now it was time to dedicate my time to building my home like a mother should do. In society we are not given the choice sometimes to stay at home to raise our kids and build our homes like the Proverbs 31 woman however, we have to be committed to making time to build our homes as women. I have not worked for 4 years and I thank God he has provided for me and my daughter. This is my time to give back to my daughter, spend quality time with her and teach her effective life lessons. The greatest gift I can give back to my daughter is to nurture her growth as a young lady. As a mother it is my duty to teach her how to be a Christian young lady and have values in this often harsh world. It's funny while I am writing this the epiphany hits me...my duty in this season of my life is to be a mother who is at home. It is my duty to build my home and nurture my child. I am learning everyday how to raise my ten year old daughter to be a young lady who is classy, smart, assertive and teaching her she can own her own business. I realize since I am going to college at 33 I am teaching my daughter to never give up on her dreams. I had many setbacks but the greatest comeback is me living my dream because my daughter's success is connected to me.

Motherhood may not be easy but in the end it is the most rewarding gift in the world....


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 
Hedi Slimane is a fashion designer. He is currently the creative director for Saint Laurent Paris (formerly Yves Saint Laurent).

A few weeks ago it has been announced that Hedi Slimane will not just show his first collection as the new creative designer next spring/summer but also changed the name of the parisian tradition-rich label Yves Saint Laurent in Saint Laurent Paris. 

A small debate...

It's no wonder the attention is getting big, the voices of critism are getting loud. The YSL logo is one of the representatives of the french fashion history such as the double C of Chanel. But what evokes much outrage at first sight, turns out to be a very skilful move at second glance. In case of disappointment of Slimanes first collection the big name YSL won't be affected completely, it can also be dismissed as "the new, edgy language" of the label. And if -and I believe so- the collection will be convincing all along the line together with the rebranding it will be an even greater success. Obviously Slimane is providing a unique possibility, a platform for showing his own, significant vision. And after the death of Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent himself the rebranding idea of Hedi is clearly the next milestone in the history of YSL/SLP (a milestone he already set with rebranding formerly known Christian Dior Monsier in Dior Homme, by the way).

The close observation of the “new” name proves itself as a bunching of clever moves aswell. YSL remains as logo on beauty products, shoes and accessoires. In other words - the most present products for the wide clientel (and probably also the best sellers). Secondly the name is derived from the first choice of name for the brand. In 1966 YSL/SLP was the first fashion house launching a ready-to-wear collection, a revolutionary move in the french fashion industry. Now Hedi Slimane wants to dig out the old fonts and other aesthetic means of the early days of the brand aswell.

“Slimane is scandalising the Paris fashion world with his audacity - and in doing so, staying true the codes of the house.”  (theguardian.co.uk)

All in all the rebranding is a step back to the roots and a move towards a new vision at the same time. 

Even Pierre Bergé, who founded the company together with Yves himself has been asked about the changes. “I am very happy. Anything that makes the house more Saint Laurent is welcome,” he told WWD. So in some point Hedi Slimane is not just trying to start with a clean slate but also has now even more pressure weighing heavily on him. 

Launch of SAINT LAURENT RIVE GAUCHE store in 1966

It's obvious that the renaming is a big step in many respects. It can be interpreted as a kind of safety because of the tremendous responsibility of taking over a tradition-steeped

  brand. Or the contrary - and we are just underestimating what might will be created by Slimane and he has such a clear vision and a healthy dose of self consciousness that it just has to be underlined by a visual symbol. However we are curious about Mr. Slimanes first SLP collection and are somehow pretty sure it will either strike like a bomb or... strike like a bomb.

Hedi Slimane / Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent

A little something to remember Yves Saint Laurent, “What's my Line” panel game show from the sixties:

Photos: Getty/FTWN/Foundation Pierre Bergé Yves Saint Laurent

Text by Zsuzsanna Toth

Female Bodies ( Pregnancy Quotes )

Remember this, for it is as true as true gets: 
Your body is not a lemon,  You are not a machine.
 The Creator is not a careless mechanic. 
Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. 
Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body

pregnancy quotes, female bodies, quotes about pregnancy

( Ina May Gaskin )

Quotes of The Month ( Best Pregnancy Quotes )

How does it feel when you will be a mother for the first time of your life??Is this feel great and unspoken?? Well, that’s what all women felt. When I was teenage, I always thought that to be pregnant is very common since every woman will have it in her life, but experience this by myself make me feel so complete and perfect as woman. It’s a wonderful feeling, unspoken by the words and hard to tell. It is amazing to know that there is a fondues move inside your body and you love him/ her right before he/ she is born in the world.

This month, Princess Kaurvaki will suggest you more about Pregnancy Quotes from day to day. Hereis the collection of best pregnancy quotes from the expert. This pregnancy quotes is fully dedicated for every woman in the world, no matter from wherever you are. I hope you enjoy it. You can send this as the gift to your pregnant friend or may be your beautiful wife.


For far too many, pregnancy and birth is still something that happens to them rather than something they set out consciously and joyfully to do themselves
( Sheila Kitzinger, The Experience of Childbirth )

Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom
( Harriette Hartigan )

Birth takes a woman's deepest fears about herself and show her that she is stronger than they knew
( Anonymous )

Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin
( Maggie Scarf )

Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. 
Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star
( Larry Barretto )

We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful. 
It's that women are strong
( Laura Stavoe Harm )

There is power that comes to women when they give birth. 
They don't ask for it, it simply invades them.
 Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it
( Sheryl Feldman )

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.
( Carrie Fisher )

Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth
( Virginia DiOrio )

Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child.
 She must be found and stopped
( Sam Levenson )

You are pregnant and you are powerful. 
You are bold and you are beautiful. 
Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and in your connectedness.
 Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you
( Anonymous )

Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear
( Jane Weideman )

Before you were born I carried you under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.
( Mandy Harrison )

In achieving the depersonalization of childbirth and at the same time solving the problem of pain, our society may have lost more than it has gained.
 We are left with the physical husk; the transcending significance has been drained away. 
In doing so, we have reached the goal which perhaps is implicit in all highly developed technological cultures, mechanized control of the human body and the complete obliteration of all disturbing sensation
( Sheila Kitzinger, Women as Mothers )

Birth is not only about making babies.
 Birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength
( Barbara Katz Rothman )

Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect.  For what has happened?  A miracle! 
You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything
( William Macneile Dixon )
pregnancy quotes, best pregnancy quotes, about pregnancy, birth quotes

Pregnancy and birth knit womankind together.
 Help weave a gorgeous thread to add to the fabric.
 Be supportive.
 Be kind. 
Be wise. 
Be open
( Desirre Andrews )

We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement.  The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love
( Grantly Dick-Read )

Birth goes best if it is not intruded upon by strange people and strange events. 
It goes best when a woman feels safe enough and free enough to abandon herself to the process
( Penny Armstrong and Sheryl Feldman, A Midwife's Story )

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. 
Soul and spirit are stretched - along with body - making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings
( Anne Christian Buchanan and Debra K. Kingsporn, The Quickening Heart: A Journal for Expectant Mothers )

We have a secret in our culture, it's not that birth is painful, it's that women are strong
( Laura Stavoe Harm )

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited.
( Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn )

Birth is a mystery.
 Words are not enough
( Marie O'Connor )

The experience profoundly changed my perspective.
  In the hospital, I hadn't perceived the anxiety and foreboding that permeated birth until I experienced the impact of its absence among the midwives. 
The peace, wonder, and intimacy were infinitely greater.
 What a compelling difference! 
( Heidi Rinehart )

I fell in love with you when you were forming in my womb.
Now I carry you in my heart instead of my arms.
( Anonymous )

Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap and tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap and tell them about me?
( Anonymous )

Before you were born I carried you under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart
( Crescent Dragonwagon )

I begin to love this creature, and to anticipate her birth as a fresh twist to a knot, which I do not wish to untie
( Nikki Dalton )

If pregnancy were a book they would cut the last two chapters
( Melissa Hatcher )

Love and pregnancy and riding on a camel cannot be hid
( Dave Barry )

Everything about woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has a single solution: that is, pregnancy
( Erma Bombeck )

Pregnancy seemed like a tremendous abdication of control.
 Something is growing inside you which would eventually usurp your life.
( Joan Raphael-Leff )

In the pregnancy process I have come to realize how much of the burden is on the female partner. She's got a construction zone going on in her belly
( Charisma Carpenter )

Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do
( George Bernard Shaw )

The news of my pregnancy spread like a forest fire in summer
( John Sculley )

I think your body is just a little bit stronger after pregnancy.
( Sally Lee )

Telegram to a friend who had just become a mother after a prolonged pregnancy:
“Good work, Mary. We all knew you had it in you”
( Lady Frieda Harris )

Birth is the epicenter of women's power
( Ani DiFranco )

Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.
( George Bernard Shaw )

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