Friday 2nd December 2011, auction starts at 6.30pm
Auction hosted by John Anderson with special guest Chris Donald

Globe's live auction aims to raise funds to support the development of our new contemporary arts venue in Newcastle.
With more than 60 artworks generously donated by artists including Douglas Gordon, Mike Nelson, Mark Fairnington, Jane & Louise Wilson, Franko B, Stefan Gec, Simon Leahy-Clark, Fiona Banner, John Kippin, Fiona Crisp and many others, and with prices for everyone, this is a not-to-be-missed evening.
All proceeds from the sale of the artworks will go towards continuing the development of our innovative programme of exhibitions, projects, artist support, community and school workshops, and our range of award winning volunteering opportunities.

You can now leave silent bids if you are unable to come to the live auction. The auction items can be viewed at the gallery on Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December from 11.30am to 5pm

The Journey Of Not Being Consumed....

For the first time in my life at 32 years old I am not consumed with anybody or anything and it feels good to be in this place of contentment. I always found myself involved in a relationship with a man who had no intentions of being with me or making me his number one priority. I always found myself consumed with people I called my friends but they never had my best interest at heart. I never perfected the art of being by myself getting to know who I am or what I really like or dislike. I was always consumed with a man in my life; he was just a male counterpart to pass the time by in my life. Well,7 months of self discovery going on 8 months shy of a year I am at a peace.I never felt this way before in my life.

Seven months ago I found myself in another empty 4 year on and off again relationship with a man who did not dare give me a title as someone other than a friend with benefits. I was not a victim because I was an active participant of his back and forth confused web. I wanted more but he was never willing to give me more only enough to string me along. However, like most women I stayed hoping to change his mind when his intent was to be with me until he got tired of me. I believe I held on so long because I found comfort in someone who was there for me in the midst of the 4 years of coping with the death of my daughter. I know we both stayed consumed with each other to not have to deal with the pain of me losing a daughter and him losing a 6yr. relationship that almost settled into marriage. The real truth of this tale is we both were rebounding off the pain and hurt of life. Then April 2011 came and he wanted to cut the umbilical cord just to tell me he had no desire to stay in touch with me anymore. I was hurt but my heart did not feel shattered at all. It seem as if I woke up out of a deep sleep I was in for 4 yrs. then a light bulb came on in my head saying "It is time to let go" of the dark pit I lived in for 4 yrs. since Serenity died.

Actually, he was the link that needed to break in order for me to live again. Yes it is true I thought he was such a coward for not telling me this in person when he had seen me only a week ago in the US. He waited until he got to his next duty station to email me a farewell email. Now as I think back on his cowardly departure I am overjoyed because he gave me a gift I needed in my life which was closure. Closure to my pain, darkness, unhappiness, and not properly grieving my daughter's death. His goodbye was hard to stomach but today in solitude, meditation, peace, joy and the love of God this man help me close the doors on unhealthy, dysfunctional, unhappy and painful relationships. He was a big part of the dysfunction but also a big part of my healing and wanting to live again and feel alive. Seven months later I am happily single, on a journey to wholeness, going to a therapist to face my grief and get help; finally I cut my hair as a sign to get back to who I am and to free myself...NEVER AGAIN WILL I BE CONSUMED...I AM FREE!


IN YOUR FACE - Group exhibition at Show Studio, 1-9 Bruton Place, London W1J 6LT.

Private view 1st December, 6-8pm. Exhibition continues until 4th February. Tues-Sat, 11am - 6pm.

Marina Abramovic, Franko B, Debra Baxter, Luis Bunuel, Nancy Burson, Chris Crites, Stephen Doherty, Leo Gabin, Lucy & Bart, Gao Brothers, Shadarfarin Ghadirian, Douglas Gordon, Fraser Hamilton, IngridMwangiRobertHutter, Patrick Ian Hartley, Stephen Jones, Nick Knight, Little and Whitehead, Nasir Mazhar, Amir Mobed, Polly Morgan, Harold Offeh, kennardphillips, Ed Templeton, Rudolf Schwartzkogler, Santigo Serra, Tim Shaw, Anj Smith, Hank Willis Thomas, Void Of Course

[click to view readable image]

I'M THINKING OF YOU - reminder

Franko B will perform I'M THINKING OF YOU at GRÜ, Geneva on November 25th. More information and tickets here.


The Saturday Arts Club podcast - 19th November 2011

Includes an interview with Richard Smith from Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster, who talks about Franko B's recent solo exhibition, SOMEONE TO LOVE.

Listen here (Richard Smith interview starts approximately half way through).

Talk Talk Talk & Draw Draw Draw

Christopher has taken a turn for the talkative! and artsy! We're past parroting and echoing now, he's using real phrases, expressing his own thoughts, trying to have real conversation - it's so wonderful!! :) And at the same time he's developed this new-found interest - and skill - at drawing! Where before he couldn't (or wouldn't) make straight lines or attempt circles, he's now drawing people, with faces and eyes and "toes" (that look like really really long legs) and ears and hair, and trees, apple trees specifically. It's like the flood gates are open! And of course we're SO loving it! Oh, I wonder what's next!?


I am most thankful this year that my son is talking! But I'm not to keen on having to pick and choose between which Thanksgivings to attend - my neighbor Janet's noon Thanksgiving is a huge big fun deal, then my sister's Thanksgiving is the first in her own home - don't want to miss that, and JR's sister is having a huge Thanksgiving at his Mom's too - and I know how much it means for his Mom to see the kids. I guess I'm thankful that I don't have to put together a big deal meal at my house! :) Most likely the best thing will be for us to share in the early one at Janet's, then JR & Phoebe head to Richmond, and Christopher & I head to Dianne's. Being apart isn't ideal, but neither of us really mind, which is in itself rather unfortunate.

Fact Vs Opinion: Believe The Fact About How Wonderful You Really Are!

Today I spent a day in meditation reflecting on my mental and spiritual state.I realized for so long in my life I was always on a journey trying to change and improve the negative things about me or what I thought was negative about me. I would also find myself battling with myself trying to improve myself. I sought others approval as they would always say what I need to change and try to make sure they saw the change. All I can say right now in my life is "WOW". Why did I go through this torture to change who I am or focus on the negative things about myself when I should have been focusing on the wonderful, beautiful, conversationalist, adventrous and free spirited person I have always been in life. I realize I focused more on the negative things about me because I did not believe in the wonderful person I am and how spectaular I really am at this stage in my life. I was challenged to do an exercise to list 10 words that describe who I am and to my pleasure the words were positive. I looked up every word in a thesaurus and it help me identify positive aspects about who "Stylicia is as a woman and how God created me. I am no longer seeking the approval from others to convince them of my change because I love me and will not get defensive when others have their opinion of me. They will have an opinion of me but the fact of the matter is not their opinion but what fact I believe about who I am. An opinion is a personal belief, assummption or hypothesis a person will make about you. A fact is something that is verifiable, the truth and it is simply authentic. No longer be defined by others opinions (something that is not factual) but be changed by the fact(something that is verifiable) by what you believe about yourself. Once you do this it will show you the wondeful person God has created you to be...


Anyone can become angry - that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not easy. ~Aristotle

FRANKO B - press article

Franko B interviewed by Luca Pakarov, for Rolling Stone Italia, published 7th November 2011

read it here

Biggie in My Blog, on My Mind, and in My Heart

I realized recently that I've been avoiding blogging, because I don't want the RIP Biggie post to get pushed down. :( He was such a cool kitty, and I really miss him. This is one of my favorite photos, look how close in size Phoebe & Biggie are. :)

My intention is for this post to break posting aversion. No matter where he is on my blog, Mr. Bigs is at the front of my mine, and in the depths of my heart.

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